
Postindustrial, Pittsburgh Beautiful, Derrick, September 4, 2019

Photo by Derrick

“Pittsburgh has many familiar viewpoints.While the most familiar (The Point and Mt. Washington) are also the most photographed, sometimes it’s the views that you don’t see that strike you. This picture, by Derrick, is just one of those views. It takes a special moment to identify and capture beauty like this, and our city is loaded with it!”

— Pittsburgh Beautiful

Chris Klein roots are from Pittsburgh, and his grandmother was born in Castle Shannon in the early 1900’s. Pittsburgh in the early 20th Century, while booming and bustling, was a dirty place. Not so today! Pittsburgh moved him. He loves to capture beauty in unique ways and was inspired to create Pittsburgh Beautiful as a way to share that with everyone.

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Submitted with the Pittsburgh Beautiful App; available through the App Store or Google Play!”

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